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Studio Policy

As a part of the enrollment process, all students and parents need to sign a copy of our studio policy. Our policy exists to clarify the principles of the studio, giving a roadmap to how our music lessons are structured. The full text of our studio policy is featured below:

Tuition & Fees:

  • Tuition consists of a flat monthly fee that enrolls the student in the music program, reserving their weekly time slot and promoting the teacher’s curriculum creation, research, repertory selection, and professional development. Discounted 5-month semester plans are also available if paid up front.
  • Summer lessons in the months of June and July can be arranged by reaching out to us; we utilize greater flexibility during these months to accommodate summer plans.
  • Payment is due before the first day of the month: we accept PayPal, debit/credit card, or a check in the mail (checks must arrive by the first week of the month in this case). Students starting in the middle of a month will have tuition prorated and payment will be due before the first lesson.
  •  Payments made after the first day of the month will have a $10 late fee applied, and a $20 fee will apply to NSF (bounced) checks. Lack of payment after the first week will result in suspension of enrollment until payment has been made; time slots will not be reserved.

Sheet Music Deposit:

  • A $40 sheet music deposit will be billed at the start of each semester to cover the cost of purchasing sheet music, karaoke tracks, games, and other resources for students. Parents will be notified if any other funds are necessary. If the student discontinues lessons, any remaining funds in this deposit will be refunded.


  • Enrolling in the music program reserves a committed time slot for that semester; changes in the time cannot be guaranteed in the middle of the semester.
  • Because missed lessons are inevitable throughout the school year, the monthly tuition has been lowered to account for these potential student absences. Consequently, makeups or reschedules are typically not given. If given more than 24 hour notice of a cancellation, a makeup may be offered if another student has canceled that week or another slot has opened up, but this is only as a courtesy, not an obligation.
  • With lessons often back-to-back, late extensions cannot be given. The lesson will always finish at the set end time, regardless if the student is late to the lesson.
  • If a student is more than 15 minutes late without communicating with the instructor, the lesson will be considered forfeited and will not be made up.
  • Teachers are allotted two weeks in the school year that can be taken off for sickness, holidays, or other personal events. Any teacher-issued cancellations beyond this (or lessons canceled due to the instructor’s rehearsals or performances) will be rescheduled with the student.
  • If the student needs to withdraw in the middle of a semester due to ill health, the remaining lessons for the term will, in most cases, be refunded if provided with a signed doctor’s note. All other payments made are final and nonrefundable.
Higher Revelation’s studio policy may be revised at any time, and currently enrolled students/parents will be notified within one week of any changes made.